Friday, August 26, 2005

Hot Tea PJ : Northern Command

Report from last Wednesday:

Quiz - Who said it? "Women ruined the best sex a man ever had."
If you need help, click here. Hell, click anyway after you guess.

Challenge: Rank the following in order of occurrence. The winner gets a beer at PJ's (serve yourself) or 2 from the Northern Command. Ties will be decided by me in any manner I see fit.

  • Frenchie comes back to Taiwan
  • Bread comes back to Taiwan
  • PJ leaves Taiwan and sets up in Thailand
  • Hannnibal Jim gets married
  • Lance enters into a civil union

Notes: Kevlar was AWOL, fined 1 beer. Hannibal Jim and Commander Cardy lost a bet to me, though I can't remember what it was. Expect payment tonight.


Rye said...

what's going on tonight?

Rye said...

who's cardy? what's defined by "civil union"? Fined not demoted?

Red A said...

Hannibal Jim? What did I miss? He cross the alps and defeat Roman?

Anonymous said...

I belive Cardy may be Gay Jerry

Kevlar said...

Shields malfunction! Where was the warning. Big gay whore Lance. Metrosexual meets Tai-Ke, What an outfit on that rig!? One of those eye ring piercings might really compliament his outfit.

J-hole said...

Rye - A little late to ask that. Cardy is South African/Brit Jerry.

what's defined by "civil union"? - I believe that it is those two words.

I can't drink a demotion.

Red A - It's official, no conquest or campaigning necessary. It's on his PJ's jersey.

Anonymous said...

I'm surrounded by canadians!!! politeness!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! good god!!