Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Day the Traffic Stopped

Today at 2:00 p.m. the air raid sirens wailed. The cops were blocking Wen Hsin so I tried some back roads but they were all blocked off by cops who kept making strange motioning gestures. Finally I figured it out and pulled over next to all the glum-faced Taiwanese people.

At first, it was pleasantly quiet (in the Taiwanese sense of only a few distant jackhammers) with all the scooter engines silent.

But then I started getting nervous.

I suddenly realized I was cut off from the Internet and without any method to get cool refreshing sodas.

My butt started going numb from sitting on the scooter for 20 minutes.

I fiddled with my cell phone, deleting some numbers and sent Kevlar a message. But a cell phone really is not that interesting.

A cop car came by with some chick announcing over a loud speaker, "Good Afternoon Taichung City...garble...garble...garble."

It did not sound like "WAR! CHICOMS HIT C.K.S. AND KEELUNG HARBOR" so I relaxed.

30 minutes later we were free to go. Ah the whine of 50cc engines! The sound of freedom!

P.s. Next time I find the intersection with a 7-11.

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