Saturday, October 15, 2005

More Sci-Fi

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

I am Kosh, even though I don't know what he is.

Rye Guy has reminded me that Star Wars I (as if that still counts after the Phantom Menace) had a game and drinking.

But what about Holodeck porn? NO.

Now, a more serious question: while taking the test, I noticed people who were pegged as WESLEY CRUSHER. Dude, I can see if I was WESLEY CRUSHER than I would consider claiming that I'd rather be Boba Fett. So, it's obvious Karl actually got WESLEY CRUSHER and then claimed he got Data before deciding to switch to be Boba Fett. It's the old bait and switch and switch.

By the way, WESLEY CRUSHER has a blog.

1 comment:

P.I.M.P said...

I believe you have pulled the old bait and switch. After checking in on the Data vs. Boba battle on Karl's blog, I noticed you admitted to being Wesley Crusher. I guess you're not that clever after many Coors Light at 3m. I think you should change your blog name from Red A to Wesley Crusher. All those in favor?