Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Lost Truck

I don't know how the ROCKET GIRL boys are getting to their gigs these days but their tour bus has been stalled out on a bridge near zhong ming and xi tun for at least 4 weeks now, probably longer. The wrong way and on a red line to boot. We've been towed on yellows...
This would be really kick ass parking if you lived under the bridge. Maybe they're really trolls waiting to pounce on Halloween and ride it off into November. Very impressive bit of longevity parking. Not a ticket to be seen.
Prizes to anyone who can tell me what the acronym G.O.S.F. written on the door stands for.


J-hole said...

Gays of San Francisco?

Anonymous said...

Morphidite and texas billy beer qeers! you must be their roadie!