Saturday, October 15, 2005

Data vs. Bobo Fat

So, if I was some tall thin, nerdy guy who is:

a chess player
a multicultural polyglot
a democrat

who do you think I want to be?

Data or Bobo Fat?

Let's review:

Star Trek:
Advanced Utopian culture based on the UN where peaceful confilict resolution and non-lethal force are often used.

Star Wars:
Republican forces fighting off the evil Empire - note it ain't the Democrats Abroad doing the fighting. Also, explain how we get a Princess involved in a REPUBLICAN government? Obviously Lucas never read any Roman history or took a PoliSci course.

Star Trek:
3-D Chess - Synthohol

Star Wars:
No games - No Booze - No holodeck porn. What a bright future.

Star Trek:
Seven of Nine

Star Wars:
C-3PO (scroll down to entry number two.)

Star Trek:
Humans still use long range weapons unless forced by higher power to battle it out with other aliens on a desolate world...but wait, even then Kirk made a primitive gunpowder weapon to win.

Star Wars:
Let's regress thousands of years and use SWORDS made of LIGHT instead of ranged weapons. I guess it makes more sense then simply allowing the light saber's laser edge to simply leap forward at the speed of light to kill your opponent before any Jedi instinct could even save them.



Update: Maybe Karl doesn't like Star Trek because he can't empathize with the people in that universe?



Rye said...

Star Wars 1976 had a game. R2 and 3PO were playing chess with Chewie with wierd little creatures. After being advised that Chewie was not a gracious loser, 3PO said, "...let the Wookie win."

And what about mos eisley cantina?

happy birthday Fiona!!

Red A said...

Facts will not deter me.

Anonymous said...

I think you guys have too much time on your hands. Nerds also come to mind.

Red A said...

at 3:00 a.m. with Coors Light raging through my bloodstream, you think I have anything but time?