Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Generation Gap

There I was, quietly and politely enjoying the second hand smoke of my classmates when one of them mentioned that they wanted to go to Thailand. I asked her to buy me clothes like Yul Brenner if she made it. She responded "Who is Yul Brenner?" Not a single one of them knew who he was. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

didn't he play for the cowboys?

Rye said...

Bill Hicks once did this bit about Yul Brenner coming out with this commercial on TV after he died. "I'm Yul Brenner and I'm dead now. I'm dead because I smoked cigarettes." Yul partied hard and had fun, lotsa booze, lotsa women "strokin' his cue ball noggin'" This bit included a comparison with Jim Fitz(sp?), the health nut who died while jogging one morning. "...ate nothin' but tofu..." he did. They both wound up dead.

Anonymous said...

How about some Yule Gibbons clothes. Much more suitable for your grapenuts munchin ass.