Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Neutral Lifestyle

Carbon offsets are only the beginning.

Now you can offset your adultery as well.

I'm sure they'll have plans more specifically designed for sex tourism within months.

"Sure I banged a bunch of Thai whores, but my donations to charities that stop human trafficking make it all right."

How about a drinker's offset where you pay into a organization that funds MADD, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association, and the Mormon church.

Hmmmm, I currently sponsor a kid in Mongolia through World Vision...what kind of offset deal can I claim from that?


Chaon said...

"...what kind of offset deal can I claim from that?"

We could use donations to World Vision to write off the children that got killed from our support of the Iraq invasion. Double down the donations, and we get to support an immediate attack on Iran.

Red A said...

I really just send him to school and provide some colored pencils and such. I think I'm just offsetting potential collateral damage we would do to some Iranian school.

In order to offset actual deaths of people, I think you'd have to promote groups that increase the birth rate (see Catholic church.)

Big Ell said...

"Sure I banged a bunch of Thai whores, but my donations to charities that stop human trafficking make it all right."

That is a classic line! Sweet!