Monday, February 19, 2007

Google seems to be really quick


Kevlar said...

oops. It is on the wrong blog. My second attempt at google video. It seems much faster. Youtube is more fun but slow and won't let me upload anymore STUFF. " Problem loading page"

Red A said...

Taiwan has silver mines?

Great juxtaposition of the kid with the ball!

Anonymous said...

Ok. It is not from a silver mine. The muddy water is a bi-product. The rocks pulled out of the ground are crushed and washed. The water contains silt (mud) that farmers get dumped on their fields for free. Apparently there is a law against dumping the silt into the local river.
Near the end of the video there is a kid saying " Bae chee oh" which is Taiwanese for "bi Che" .. idiot. The kid talking is three. His brother with the ball is eight. But "the kid with the ball has a different father". .. so i guess they are not exactly brothers in this country. "Bae Chee oh" is called "nine days older" by the grandma. Being hell on wheels and nine days older then "The first grand child" is some kind of Taiwanese insult.

Red A said...

So, basically the video implies that its industrial waste being dumped....but it turns out to be a form of recycling of silt into the fields instead of into rivers...