Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I've been asking my students what they call their national anthem and the answer I keep getting is simply "guo ge" or 中華民國國歌. I tried assigning a translation exercise to some of my brighter students but they balked at the idea, pleading with me, "Oh teacher, too difficult." So I searched on Wikipedia and as expected it's basically a KMT song about the 3 Principles of the People, first heard in a speech given by Dr. Sun in 1924 at the Whampoa Military Academy. Apparently it is written in classical literary Chinese which is probably why my students had zero interest in translating it for me.

There's a decent write up on it here, including the writers, the lyrics and its history.

Totally off topic but JW and D-Wayne wore dresses at the Super Bowl last night.
I only got one grainy shot of JW 'cause he was a little shy and wouldn't let me get a good one. I'm pretty sure Winnie, wife of D-Wayne, got some good ones though.


Chaon said...

What's gayer? J-Hole and D-Wayne in dresses, or this video?

Anonymous said...

We need to get some photo's on for all to see.
And to the folk that posted the score and sent it to me via a local persons phone, well need i say more.
And good one Red for deleting it.
Absolutly not on.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I thought WHAM had the gayest video ever but this one ups the ante. How could a straight person possibly unearth this and post it?

Red A said...

Karl is not very straight.

Whampoa...sounds good...