Saturday, February 24, 2007

Da Du ( 大肚) Day

The Berlin Pet Club sits on top of 大 肚 (Big Belly) Mountain in Taichung near the DMV. Pet clubs, restaurants and spas for pets and owners are very popular in Taiwan at the time. I've been to several and most are either a fenced-in area with tables and chairs or indoor businesses that are filthy and horrid smelling. This one is a bit different. It has a big grassy area with ramps, jumps and things like that. There is also a swimming pool that is kept clean and has a operating filtration system - something that many apartment pools do not have. There are DIY washing and drying facilities, kennels which offer A/C in the summer, a patio and main office / kitchen / dining room. Dogs are allowed everywhere except the latter, something that most other dog clubs do not enforce. The grounds are kept very clean with attendants standing by to mop up and spray bleach water on any pee that happens outside of the field. The patrons are very good about policing the grounds also as doo bags are stationed throughout the grounds. It's $100 NT for small dogs and their owners and this is credited to anything you would like to order. The food is surprisingly good. Their chicken sandwich beats most that I've had at restaurants in town. Take your dog and relax or just go to watch the others play. On the way up the mountain, you can stop and view the Taichung Women's Prison and the Taichung Juvenile Detention Center.
Who says the Taiwanese aren't taking the Chinese threat seriously? I think denying them food and drink is a good first step.

1 comment:

USAhole said...

Have any pets came up missing just before the lunch rush?!