Friday, April 28, 2006

"The good thing about pollution is ..."

Complete this statement made by one member of the Taichung Voice in your own manner. The winner, as judged by the Ni Howdy staff, will receive either a J-Hole cap or a free plate of barbecue pork at the Taichung Food Festival at Sogo in March uh, May. People who attended AJ's wedding and know the original quote are ineligible.
Useless Chinese Phrase-of-the-Day: 跨 鶴 kua4 he4 - (lit.) ride the crane; to become immortal Example: Karl 識 著 要 跨 鶴 - 被 判 10 年 徒 刑.
Help - I need to find a good computer guy in the Taichung area. Do not mention anyone at Nova unless this guy, or gal, is really, really good.


Red A said...

A plate of food in MARCH?

Anonymous said...

The good thing about pollution is that it's BAD...