Bread sings for his supper in Spainish, Chinese and Wah-ga-do-gian. These were two of his fans that like to watch him sing, juggle and two-step. He is one hell of an entertainer. Maybe they are just waitresses. Maybe all Spainish bar maids provide a friendly show. Maybe they are cousins who haven't seen one another for a long time. Whatever it is a great picture, the mood lighting, the shapes, you can almost hear the music playing... It is an artistic photo
Why am i looking at that photo , and the first thing i noticed was brettski shirt???????
Nice! Excellent photo.
wow!!!! I can't believe you're still wearing that shirt.
That shirt gives him Asian street cred with the ladies.
Thanks Breadski for letting me live vicariously!
Oh, and when I said "hot chicks eating flan" I didn't think I'd actually get to see it!
You are halfway to Nirvana, but I do not see a chess set in that picture.
So Bread.......Which one did you go home with ? Please don't tell us you got BOTH of them !!!!
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I'm sure Bread went home with his usual date...
Palma del rosie y sus cinco hermanas
Bread sings for his supper in Spainish, Chinese and Wah-ga-do-gian. These were two of his fans that like to watch him sing, juggle and two-step. He is one hell of an entertainer. Maybe they are just waitresses. Maybe all Spainish bar maids provide a friendly show. Maybe they are cousins who haven't seen one another for a long time. Whatever it is a great picture, the mood lighting, the shapes, you can almost hear the music playing... It is an artistic photo
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