Saturday, May 13, 2006

From Discovery Channel to Taiwan

I was on my way over to Fubar to help Ryan plan his Mother's Day activities. I saw these people on the sidewalk with their new toy. I wonder if they will become a fad, cluttering up my precious People's Park sidewalk. Two passers-by were overheard " They are so expensive". " Who does it belong to?" Oddly enough I was the only person curious enough to stop and stare, I had never seen one before.
I suppose in the not to distant future some yahoo will be in my scooter lane, feeling cool and looking smart.

So who has the right of way, the bicycle or the guy standing tall on a two wheeled gyroscope thing. I wonder if it has a horn, to persuade pedestrains to get out of the way.


Kevlar said...

WARNING the " machine" will have to drive on the streets of Taichung. The city of few sidewalks has a lot of ugly, difficult to negotiate curbs. I know this because I often stroll with a light, narrow, 3 wheeled baby stroller.

Red A said...

It's pretty obvious you were staring at the hot little number on the uhhhh, vehicle.

Anonymous said...

Ya ya can she walk in high heels...?

Anonymous said...

We never should have given them the wheel.

Anonymous said...

is that ada from fridays?