Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Chinese Communist Super-Hero

Here's one of the concept comic book characters planned. Brought to you by American capitalism!

Of course, the actual Chinese communists had their own "super hero" Lei Feng, who was sort of a Joe Sixpack of the Red Army. They made whole campaigns revolving around this guy under the rubric of "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" (向雷锋同志学习)

Though, just how much can you learn from a guy who "died in 1962 at the age of 22, when a telephone pole, struck by an army truck, killed him, when he was directing the truck in backing up."

Here are a bunch of propaganda posters showing Lei Feng. Hmmmm, the Socialist Red Guardsman "Gu Lao" looks much cooler. I wonder if they will have more characters (too lazy to register with the New York Times) but I can imagine another character they will create:

LaoGai - a former dissedent who has been re-educated so well that his mind can telepathically inspire socialist thinking in others.

Oh, I almost forgot: DC comics is also creating a Lesbian Batwoman character. (note: links to political blog - may not be safe for all viewers.)

Now, in the comments: create your own Taiwanese superheroes and explain their power, how they got it, etc. (Bread, you can make up a Montana or Basque character...snicker.)


Chaon said...

I had a pretty good idea for a Taike Superhero, but then I read the comments in the Ace of Spades link:

"Now it's every member of the PC family! The lesbian, the cripple, the black woman, the illegal immigrant Weback Man!"

And I kind of lost interest.

Red A said...

Dude, I warned you.

But TaiKe man would be pretty cool. What's his special power?

Rye said...

the taike man hero has got to be able to projectile spit betel nut juice accurately from 2 car lengths away.

Red A said...

He's also impervious to parking laws and driving regulations. His vehicle is a scooter.

Kevlar said...

Taike man can also stand on top of a step ladder and make the ladder walk around. He must be able to drink whisbee and operate power tools. I think he should also be able to drive by the bing-long-she-shi stand without acknowledging their lack of clothes. He would also be able to drive a scooter without his helmet strap closed, and the helmet would rest on his head regardless of swerves and speed.

Bread said...

so what you are saying is that you are taike man kevlar?

Red A said...

Taiwan is like the Borg: assimilate or die.

Amalan pelunas hutang said...

assalamualaikum wr,wb
AKI… saya Siti Di Arab Saudi
mengucapkan banyak2 terima
kasih kepada AKI WALI SONGO
atas nomor togelnya yang
kemarin AKI berikan yaitu
"8839" alhamdulillah
ternyata itu benar2 tembus
AKI dan berkat bantuan
AKI WALI SONGO saya bisa
melunasi semua hutan2
orang tua saya yang ada di
BANK BRI dan bukan hanya
itu AKI alhamdulillah
sekarang saya sudah bisa
bermodal sedikit untuk
mencukupi kebutuhan
keluarga saya sehari2.itu
semua berkat bantuan AKI
WALI SONGO sekali lagi
makasih banyak yah AKI…
yang ingin merubah nasib
seperti saya hubungi AKI
WALI SONGO di nomor
0853-8257-2444 dijamin
100% tembus atau silahkan
buktikan sendiri