Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Something Useful for a Change

I'm cleaning my desk today, and I found some conversion rates for Taiwanese measurements:

1 ping is approximately 36 square feet or 3.3 square meters.

1 Taiwanese Inch is about 3 cm. A Taiwanese foot is 30 cm.

WARNING: This is from a random piece of paper on my desk, so don't hand your new deck design to the Taiwanese carpenter using these figures. Yossan also needs more smokes to do the job right, so call Kevlar up and get him over here.

Anyone with knowledge of conversion rates for Catties / Taels / BTU's please amend the post as needed or in the comments section.

UPDATE: Hurry with that BTU conversion factor!

Also need one for Newtons!

Oh, that would be: Catties/Sq. Taiwanese Foot

1 comment:

Chaon said...

One ping = 3.3 sqm, or 35.58 sqft