Sunday, September 18, 2005

Moon Festival Week-end

Interim Report.

Friday Night Poker:

Kevlar: Likes the occasional secret glance at English nipple.

NAY, it's the aureole!

Brett (Brit): Honestly, the man had the whole night off from kids and it so strange he expressed an interest in treeology?

fashion: Black shirt for Steve who lusted after Kevlar's geld, and black pants for Brett (Brit) who pretty much flashed nipple (NAY! Aureole!) all night.


7:55 a.m. The crying poop machine, who actually has stopped crying recently demands paternal affection and care for about one hour. It was fine. Must say she wakes at the slightest noise when she knows a tired papa will be in charge.

5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Karl and Malv are forced to submit to Allied rule. Their plans for world domination, like Malv's plans for getting laid, perish before their eyes as Red A commands Soviet forces to easy victory. Americans and Britons run by M were tangentially involved.


2:08 a.m. : I think we should ban Canadians in general.

4:00 p.m. AJ's barbecue will KICK ASS. First off, there will be a song sung in honor of Soviet losses in the war to defeat Malv and Karl. Then, there will be mass consumption of charred flesh and yeasted barley water. I hope I can attend.

CORRECTION: I couldn't get past that freak's mug shot, so I only saw "New Brunswick man" instead of the later section where it informs us he is a naturalized US citizen. Thanks to Kevlar for picking that up. I now call for the ban of Canadians and Americans in general.

OTHER CORRECTION: The USA and Britian were not tangential, but played a minor, but important role, akin to Pippin in the LOTR.

UPDATE: AJ's barbecue had more chicken than a Tyson plan on Monday morning.


Kevlar said...

Depress is an American citizen. Look at that hair cut. He had a permit to carry a chainsaw. He claimed he was going to the US of A to make a sweat lodge.

Michael Turton said...

"tangential." Ha. Watch as my invincible B-29s appear over the Kremlin......