Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Kevlar Har Har

We've been going to the batting cages at lunch time for the last few months now. With school officially over for the summer, it'll be awhile before we resume whackin' them balls. This is not Kevlar's best moment but hey it is a moment...

He's really not that bad.


Chaon said...

Over here at Chewin in the Chung, we couldn't hit a baseball to save our (or anyone else's) life.

But we'd wear a batting helmet while trying.

P.I.M.P said...

Thank you at whatever expense. That made me laugh. Well done!

Rye said...

there are helmets available to be worn at the cages but kevlar says they're only for sissies.

Anonymous said...

maybe you could have let him have a few swings off a tee first, you know, let the little tyke get the hang of it. oh yes, and i believe that you can only claim that it is just "for sissies" when you are actually capable of doing what it is you are attempting.