Monday, April 18, 2005

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

I've seen this guy perform at each of the last three Spring Screams. If you ever hear about him playing anywhere you should definitely check him out. Along with older tunes like "Ain't No Hippy" and "Rockin' In The R.O.C.", he came out this year with some new gems, "Women Are Just Like People" and "The Islamic Fundamentalist Blues". ("...let's take the mental out of fundamentalist...") Raunchy and funny lyrics abound. Easily offended feminists be warned, approach his shows with an open mind... Thanks Charlie, wherever you are...


J-hole said...

Uh, what happened to the sidebar, RyeGuy?

Red A said...

I'm really sorry that Will and Tom couldn't get off work to see this guy...not too mention myself.

He's hilarious.