Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Where could it be?

Congrats IJ. The Previous photo was taken at Yeliu North East of Taipei. If you haven't been there, it's a must see on a beautiful day. "Cleopatra" is the (xiao ming) nick name of the rock moulded by the elements.

So, I make the challenge to another of our thousand readers to answer this photo challenge. Not who is in the picture, but, where was it taken and why is it famous?


Michael Turton said...

Clearly a sidewalk in Taipei, since nowhere else in Taiwan is there so much as a fucking patch of pavement for pedestrians to walk on. How do I know? That's Taipei 101 in the background there.

J-hole said...

That's the marker for the Tropic of Cancer located in Rueisuei Township.

J-hole said...

Either that or the one in Chiayi.

Red A said...

Temple of the Pimps, located outside Taichung.

Red A said...


There are sidewalks available near my house and also in ChiJi (sp?)

Chief RZ said...

Taiwan is still a free country. I talked with some Taiwanese this weekend. The USA doesn't know what the loss of freedom means.