Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Charlie Taylor

Watch the video
Charlie Taylor - Spring Scream 2005 - This tune was a new one to me last year. It's now one of my favs. Here's a link to his blog.


Kevlar said...

Guess you put the link to blip tv. Nice now I'll go there more often. yay.
I don't know who controls the free polls on the side bar but I would like to vote for which blogger or frequent guest is the biggest ASS. I know who would win! But it is a democracy, so someone set that up.

Unknown said...

Hey Rye,
That's a mighty sexy photo, it really showcases my chest hair. Could you bring any bootleg videos you have of me down to spring scream? I'll trade you for a cd and half a warm beer.
Looking forward to meeting you.

Rye said...

Well I don't know how I can turn down an offer like that! Sounds like a deal. Did you by chance get a copy of your SS '04 performance? Love the Rich People's Daughters song...

Anonymous said...