Friday, March 24, 2006

Test Run For Frenchie!!!

Yes folks, the much anticipated addition of the computer illiterate bastard Frenchie has become a reality!! Unfortunately, the password for my Frenchie nickname seems to have escaped me.. I am using this name and this post as a test run , to see if both it and myself can function in the blogger world.. So , here goes nothing, my next test will be attempting to add pictures and what not... Anyhoo enough jabber lets give it a shot....


Frenchie said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Sucesss!!!! How easy it truly is!!

J-hole said...

There should be a spell-check button on the tool bar. Not that we kan spell, or anything.

Anonymous said...

Frenchie. You are a douche. You really, truly are.

Frenchie said...

A Douche: A stream of water, often containing medicinal or cleansing agents, that is applied to a body part ( my favorite, not sure about you!) or cavity for hygenic or theraputic purposes. Your input is valued anonymous, and Id love to suscribe to your newsletter but if we are going to insult please lets let them flow a little better then that ( like a stream of water perhaps) . Keep those thoughts coming!!! Truly!!