Monday, March 14, 2005

French Bashing: The International Language

If you think American newspapers hate the French (remember this classic?) then you should read today's editorial in theTaipei Times.

Choice excerpts:

As France tries to pressure the rest of the EU into lifting the arms embargo on China, some readers might remember that Christine Deviers-Joncour -- the erstwhile mistress of former French foreign minister Roland Dumas whose tell-all books played a serious role in clarifying details of the scandal surrounding the kickbacks involved in Taiwan's purchase of Lafayette frigates in the early 1990s -- once wrote a book about herself called The Whore of the Republic.

The former lingerie model's right to this title is now under severe challenge from France's Defense Minster Michele Alliot-Marie, who last week said -- and you should probably reach for your sick bags now -- "France has the strictest, most stringent rules applying to the sale of weapons of the European Union and probably in the world." As the American writer Fran Lebowitz once said: "To the French, lying is simply talking."
Please, don't beat around the bush, tell us how you really feel! Here's how the editorial ends:
What sort of actions should be taken? The immediate cessation of visa-free privileges and an astronomical raising of visa fees, the closing of cultural institutions, the ending of scholarships for French students, refusal to grant or renew French nationals alien residency, refusal to accept documents authenticated by the French government, the severing of air agreements -- most of these measures are quite feasible and were used against South Korea in the early1990s.

But Taiwan should go further and impose a massive tariff, say 100 percent, on all goods made by French companies; the proceeds, such as they might be, should go to the defense budget. That this violates WTO protocols bothers us as much as the UN bothers US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. That the French might retaliate makes us laugh. Let them double the price they pay for information technology if they want; much of it simply cannot be sourced elsewhere. Taiwan, however, will survive more expensive Louis Vuitton bags.
Now, I wonder why they didn't mention the idea of a consumer boycott, of say: Carrefour, Geant, Renault, Citroen, Air France, Remy Martin, etc.? Are these companies perhaps major advertisers in the Taipei Times?

But I really hope we can see crowds of Taiwanese pouring bottles of French cognac down the sewers to protest French perfidy.


Bread said...

you meant to say taiwan guardian, right? oh wait, that's only when they post things from the left...

Red A said...

No, I wanted to use that, but in the end I edited it down for length.

The editorial is so virulent, it doesn't need any extra spice.