Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Taco Bell

I'm in Singapore now. I was looking for some Indian stall because Barbara wants to eat there when I pass a TACO BELL. Yeah, it was combined with a Pizza Hut, but still it was a TACO BELL replete with Gordito window ads.

Obviously the Taiwanese didn't allow me to go there to eat. So we arrive at the Indian food stall, and of course, the Taiwanese back out because it was so ethnic.

Meanwhile, I'll be at Taco Bell soon enough...in fact, I'm heading home on Friday night...I wonder how long Bell food would keep?

Plase your orders now!

p.s. J-hole, I bought garlic and habanero tabasco here..no chipotle...go figure.

1 comment:

Bread said...

3 bean burittos, no onions, and a couple of packets of hot sauce