Sunday, March 13, 2005

Taiwan News (and Post and Times, sorta)

Don't know much 'bout history...
  • Today's China Post via the AFP: China considers Taiwan, which has been ruled separately since the end of a civil war in 1949, an inseparable part of Chinese territory which must be reunified eventually.
  • Again, the same courtesy of the AP and Reuters: Beijing claims Taiwan, split from China since 1949, as part of its territory. AP, Reuters and the AFP link here. Others, click here.
At least now they're using words like considers and claims. Used to be just presented as fact. I would like these wire services to dedicate a week to using Taiwan's view of China in their intros. Example: China, which Taiwan views as dirty, poor and loud... (courtesy of my students); China, which Taiwan views as a great place to make money but wouldn't want to live there... ( from most of my buddies who work there); Taiwan, while meeting the criteria established by the U.N. for being a sovereign nation but is not because money talks and censure is reserved for only those countries which have not recognized the U.N. as a world government...(that one would be mine).
The Taipei Guardian prints: "It (China's anti-secession law) won't be changed because of changes in the Chinese leadership," Zhang said. "Policies might change when leaders change." 張同新 (Chang Similarly New, my translation).
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller...?
From the PFP, courtesy of the T.G.: "Taiwan consciousness is not equal to Taiwan independence."
20 Pages of Editorials
From the Local section of the China Post: At least 100,000 people will take to the streets in Taipei to protest against the unfair presidential election of 2004 on March 19 (emphasis mine)...that gave President Chen Shui-bian more than enough sympathy votes to win reelection.
The China Post is very consistent about putting in their two-cent's worth at every opportunity. Any article credited to the China Post staff will almost always provoke a laugh ( or a "Damn right!" if you're Generalissimo Kirk).
Good news at last
Well, those crazy goofballs from the Pan-Blue camp have decided to work for constructive change. The Truth Commission that was looking into the attempted assassination of President Chen Shui Bian is disbanding. They will now dedicate their time to League for Peace. The League will organize a protest rally to mark their first anniversary of their first protest rallies. Some Wang claims they will march to demand peace, justice, sincerity and virtue.

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