Monday, September 24, 2007

Worst POTUS Ever

Here's an article highlighting the fascist tendencies of the Bush regime.

George W Bush and 14 points of fascism.


Anonymous said...

You forgot the most important part of Fascism, the elimination of free speech, the imprisonment of dissidents...I am truly saddened that Michael Moore was killed by an FBI assassin's bullet right before the government shut down the movie houses. And what kind of America is it where the wife of the last Democratic president is under house arrest, forbidden to speak to the people? I could go on and on about the decision to not hold elections in 2008, but I am afraid of being detained by the secret police.

p.s. Bush may or may not be a bad president, but I think you might need to consider some other choices for "worst POTUS ever" such as LBJ (illegal war in Vietnam, elected in Texas fraudently, etc.) or maybe the guy who got us into the Great Depression (Harding?) Or how about Nixon even!

P.s.s. you do know that 50,000 American died in Vietnam, right? By empirical analysis alone, you'd have to call that POTUS worse, unless you think Vietnam was a good idea or something.

Perhaps you could say, "worst POTUS since I've been alive"

Rye said...

OK anonymous. I'll stick with what I wrote. Thanks. Worst POTUS ever. My age is irrelevant. If you wanna debate that, knock yerself out.

About the Vietnam thing - are you saying that the more war dead a president racks up, the worse he is?

More US soldiers died during the Civil War, Union side and Confederate side, than the total dead in Vietnam. The same is true of WWI and WWII. So if we apply your reasoning, presidents Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt and Truman were all much worse than Nixon and LBJ.

I'm not buying it.

Anonymous said...

So, Vietnam was as righteous as the Civil War or WW II?

Please explain why Canada didn't feel right to join such a glorious, righteous war like Vietnam while they joined WW I and WW II. Then do the math and tell me which war has killed more people, Iraq or Vietnam.

Now, explain to me why an Iraqi is worth more than a Vietnamese. Is it because of oil? I don't think you believe that.

I'm not saying you can't say Iraq is wrong, etc., but Vietnam was equally wrong and more people died why do you ignore the leaders who brought America to that war in your analysis?

I welcome any response that seriously explains how Vietnam was a better war than Iraq. Otherwise you are just ignoring history.

P.I.M.P said...

Wow, this site is losing it. Great post. NOT many comments.
I think in point #4 the author describes something about oreos? YOu should really check this out as it is worth watching.
On another note, The Canadian dollar has risen above the US dollar for the first time in 30 years this past week and it still doesn't give me any more buying power.......unless i head south!

J-hole said...

Here's a game. See how many of the 14 points JFK's administration could cover.

Chaon said...

"empirical analysis"

You keep using these words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.