Saturday, September 22, 2007

Somewhere in South Taiwan

Turns out the guy wasn't hurt.


John Naruwan said...

Got any more info about this video? And I'm assuming you're kidding about the guy not being hurt.

Anonymous said...

Shit i'm hurt and all i did was push play! Maybe change the title from 'somewhere in south taiwan' to 'Oh my god! Check out this fucking accident!' Just to give a person a slightly larger idea of what the hell he's going to watch.

Red A said...

The guy is moving after the accident...always a good sign.

I'm guessing the video has been shortened and you would see that he was "okay" later on.

The fact that he was not expecting the crash might have kept his body limp and helped. Buddy of mine was hitchhiking in the middle lane of a highway (he thought the lane marker was the side of the highway) and was tagged by a car. He broke the car windshield but was unharmed himself.

D-Wayne said...

my wife saw it on the news and said the guy wasn't injured. i'm sure he hurt like hell. the way he went straight up, maybe the scooter took the brunt of the force?

Anonymous said...

Wow! The guy went really high. I agree with AJ, that should have some kinda warning. Kev

Anonymous said...

Thats one aspet of Taiwan i don't miss... And Hi to you all