Friday, December 08, 2006

You know you live in Taiwan when...

You are watching NFL Monday Night Football on Friday Night (due to time zones and then Asian Games coverage)


You have watched the first half of the game where it is now tied 7-7, yet ESPN Taiwan has not seen fit to show you any of the two scores or scoring drives. CHECK: 2nd Half had 2 minutes left - 3 scores without showing the scoring play!


Now, I can make some predictions based on this:

a. Some punter is going to break a record, and they want to document it?

b. Amazing 2nd Half

c. Overtime.

We'll see. By the way, it feels so liberating to root against the Eagles knowing that your Eagle fan friends have long since abandoned them this season.

NOTE TO SELF: Fubar would not have these problems. Next time wear a condom and avoid the whole baby/toddler/child never get out syndrome. Condolences Rye.

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