Thursday, December 07, 2006

Daddy Got Gout

We had a nice play date for Ivo, Shannon, and Fiona on Sunday. It went pretty much as you would expect: initial shyness, followed by pushing, crying, and the non-sharing of toys.

The highlight was a spectacular head butt laid on Ivo by Fiona. I've been making inquiries to see if Karl and Jerry would train Fiona for a future in the UFC, but I am not sure the UFC allows women to fight. Ivo by the way has a remarkable arm and can throw balls with both accuracy and strength. Keep this in mind for your Fantasy Baseball 2025 picks. Shannon was simply an annoying child - no fussing or fighting, and with amazing verbal skills. Tom, stop making Ryan and me look bad.

While watching the wee 'uns learn how to socialize (or not,) Tom from Changhua and I discussed our gout situations. We both haven't had an attack for years and he knocked on wood when saying that. Note, that I did NOT knock on of course I got the gout one day later. It was a pretty painful attack but subsided in only a day with help from pharmacopoeia.

p.s. and Rye had a good answer when I offered him a non-alcoholic beer:

"Do I look gay?"

Related Tom joke: What's the hardest part about learning to roller blade?

Telling your father you're gay.


Rye said...

that was quite a thing. huge padded room. sofas. tall boy robot heiferweissen(sp?) mozart and 3 2 year olds who have never met. i think it would be interesting to toss kaia and trey into the mix. you'll have to get more of that robot beer though

Rye said...

...and i wasnt included in the gout conversation but you shoulda knocked on wood.