Thursday, December 21, 2006

Feed 'em some steak- The China Post reports that Kuo Wen-pin, counselor at the Office of the President, will be disciplined for a visit to what is described as a stick girls club. He expressed deep regret and is to receive one demerit for visiting the club, where orgiastic partying is said to have taken place. Buddy lawmaker, Lin Chung-mo, rushed nails to lawmakers' coffins with this defense - It's only human for men to visit such a club. Tell me who in the law chamber hasn't.

On the ball at the U.N. - Circumcision can cut the rate of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 50%, results from two African trials show. Director of the HIV/Aids department of the World Health Organization, Dr. Kevin de Cock, reported these results recently , while cautioning that the results were not a magic bullet. No study in Africa has been done among homosexual men yet, presumably because they've all moved to Taiwan.


Rye said...

what are the chances the doctor named in the article would be sporting such a moniker? makes it sound like bad fiction.

Anonymous said...

The director of the HIV/Aids department of the World Health Organization has a brother named Alec.