Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas at Taichung City Hall


Red A said...

Okay, my photos are pretty sorry. What was funny was that when I stopped to take the shots, two other people were there taking pictures...

Questions for any militant athiests out there:

1. Is it okay for Taiwan to have a Christian decoration on government property?

2. If you are an athiest, do you give presents to your kids on Christmas? Or just a lump of coal in their stocking to symbolize what the afterlife is really going to be like?

Kevlar said...

It's Christmas eve. Yay! if I were a ten year old I'd be thrilled. Well anyway merry Christmas to all. ( I have the liquid glow an hour with dino and Ry provide.)

Rye said...

christmas is simply the christian usurpation of the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. the evergreen tree represents natural life, greenness living through the winter.

Kevlar said...

We are "Wai-Ke", are we in Hawaii?
Waigoren + Tai-Ke = Foreign Trash
Is that why we had abalone and turkey with beef and rice for X-mas dinner? Some flan with ceral with diced apples and oranges. Paper plates to boot. Turkey meat with chopsticks is a real treat. i hope we can do it again before wintercamp and CNY. I wonder if A-rod gets everyone the new turkey burger set from Macker's