Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Typhoon Blogging

So, my Mom arrives on Saturday night and tells me there is a super typhoon coming. Maybe I need to pay attention to local news at some point?

It hits on Sunday night and then Monday morning became quiet and relatively still. Then it pick up again on Monday night and has been raining sense.

We cruised around Feng-Jia doing some errands and there was extensive tree damage and signs blown down. I hope to have some photos up eventually, though they will probably suck.

Maybe if Kevlar isn't too busy becoming a Daddy or Bread isn't too busy wandering around Rye's house in his birthday suit they can get some shots up, too.


Bread said...

it's raining sense? good, we could use some around here...

Anonymous said...

i don't feel ill. why? do i need shots? forget bret his suit is too small for his .... heart and he likes fish without the -ing. I thought i had troubles then i met him.. what a dweeb-head, trekie wanna-be that guy is! Anyway the Bret show is running another 10 days and then KAPUT. FINI. . .

Bread said...

all right, who let yuri back on the blog?