Tuesday, October 10, 2006


50th anniversary of the overthrow of the Manchus! 45 years later!


Kevlar said...

Manchus were out in 1901. The 11 million KMT supporters came to Taiwan in 1949. A-bien has been in power since 2000. What is in store for 2007?
2008 Taiwan smoothes all relations with China.

2009 Taiwan has booming economy. Former green A -bien supporters become rice bombers. Chinese military comes to Taiwan to stomp the terrorist cells. Occupation by China lasts a long time to protect business interests.

Rye said...


Kevlar said...

Fine -o- historybuff-Rye. Now get back in your time machine and push the stupid forward button. I wanna know what is going to happen in 2007.

'Cause you know so much (wink) how many nuclear tests are N.Korea going to have before the nuclear exam?