Friday, January 20, 2006

More Pepper Spray Videos

Check out another cool video of protestors being pepper sprayed.

Also, regarding Posse Comitatus, there are many exceptions to this law, and since 1999 onwards any sort of terrorist threat is apparently one of them. (Do you think there were any such threats for President Bush's inauguration? Nah, he's loved by everyone!)

But if you really want to get your legal information from a man wearing mouse ears, please continue to do so. He's also advising you to tell security staff that you do not consent to be searched. Enjoy trying this yourselves next time you are flying out of Taiwan.

Now, you will notice that many of the top google hits for Posse Comitatus are from Canadian web sites that make various predicitions. Any of them happen yet? Anyone wonder why Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are apparently included in some possible scheme to prepare the USA for martial law under Bush? I'm guessing they are also run by extreme right wing fundamentalist Christian leaders who are lackeys to the oil industry and puppets of Bu$hitler.

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