Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Canadian Club (and not the good kind.)

Personal Ads
Originally uploaded by haruntaichung.
Karl's got some link to a survey from (do they deserve a link? naw) about whether we should have some sort of new international organization in Taichung.

Apparently it will be "a Taichung chapter of the Canadian
Society in Taiwan with an international flavour."

A few problems with this concept:

A)They seem to want "an annual membership fee of NT$2,000 or less" which I really can't see paying myself, and I damn well can't see many Canadians paying at all.

B) The personal ads like the one on the right show you what kind of paragons of civic virtue are coming to Taiwan lately. Click to enlarge. Xenon Epsylon2....hmm he's had a classical "greek" college education and if you read his profile he's a "nice" guy.

UPDATE: Here's a link to the Canadian Society of Taiwan. Now they aren't the Illuminati or the Gnomes of Zurich, but surely they beat the Gold Fish Fanciers? Confused?


Big Ell said...

What the hell is the "Canadian Society in Taiwan?"

J-hole said...

Pay money to some international,ill-defined organization that wants to replicate the functions that extant governmental and national representive bodies already attempt? Don't think so.

Anonymous said...

But they'll have materials in both French and English!

Chaon said...

But what if the organization was not ill-defined, and managed to avoid the petty squablles that AmCham eternally endures? Don't you think that an international organization could provide many benefits, if it was done right? Visa stuff, legal stuff, ombudsman stuff, and with meeting venues that were *not* NT$700 dinners at the Evergreen?

Red A said...

Karl, organizations exist to create opportunities for petty squabbles.

Next you'll tell me you believe we could create a planned economy or put a man on the moon.

Chaon said...
