Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Taiwan's PR Campaign for WHO Membership

The Economist-W.H.O.
Originally uploaded by haruntaichung.
Here's the ad in The Economist that Taiwan's government ran supporting the R.O.C. entry in W.H.O. (actually I think they only were trying for W.H.A., which is the observer group.) W.H.A. members include such places as Tokelau, pop. 1,750.

Alas, Taiwan with 23 million people still isn't allowed membership. The ad itself seems okay - the little girl is really cute - but could have been punchier and used bigger text.

Bonus quiz: what country ignored international law and unilaterally sent assistance to Taiwan during SARS?

a. European Union
b. Canada
c. France
d. United States


Rye said...

The Sandstress guesses the US. I guess Canada. Ivo wonders if you could rephrase the question.

Bread said...

let's see. canada? pussy ass country controlled by fears that the world may not know where they are. france? pussy ass country controlled by lost empire syndrome (or never had the empire syndrome pending on your take). eu? pussy ass something controlled by pussy ass france and germany. guess that leaves the states. america is a lot of things, but pussy ass is not one of them these days (so long as it doesn't come down to independence issues in proven democracies)...

Bread said...

granted, knowing aaron's since of irony, the answer is probably canada, the almighty country of international law.

Red A said...

Dear Ivo,

Glllrrrllll woooo mmmmmhreeeah?

Answer is United States. One member of the CDC team was even infected with SARS.

Anonymous said...

that's exactly what Ivo thought!

J-hole said...

The guy from the States was already here, not in response to SARS. Japan, however, send some assistance. Please correct me if I be wrong.