Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bali Global Warming Conference

Check out this article. Or just read the highlights:

Two big climate conferences have been held in less than a month, both in idyllic, far-flung holiday destinations -- first Valencia, Spain, and now Bali. They were preceded by dozens of smaller gatherings. In Bangkok, Paris, Vienna, Washington, New York and Sydney, in Rio de Janeiro, Anchorage, Helsinki and the Indian Ocean island of Kurumba.

The pace is only expected to pick up, prompting some to ask if the issue is creating a "cure" industry as various groups claim a stake in efforts to curb global warming.

You think? How hard is it to decide to start cranking out nuclear power plants while we wait for the car companies figure out what kind of electric car will be used in the future (the main issue is with the kind of battery.)
The U.N. estimates 47,000 tons of carbon dioxide and other pollutants will be pumped into the atmosphere during the 12-day conference in Bali, mostly from plane flights but also from waste and electricity used by hotel air conditioners.

If correct, Goodall said, that is equivalent to what a Western city of 1.5 million people, such as Marseilles, France, would emit in a day.

But don't worry...they are making sure its a carbon neutral or even carbon positive event:
Host Indonesia, which has one of the fastest rates of deforestation in the world, averaging 300 football fields an hour, said it had planted 79 million trees across the archipelago nation in the past few weeks.
Does anyone think that is a true statistic? Maybe I am a cynic, but that seems to be a whole lot of trees to be planted within a period of few weeks.
"If you don't put the U.S., the big developing countries, the European Union around the table to craft a solution together, nothing will happen and then the prophecy of scientists in terms of rising emissions and its consequences will become a reality," de Boer said.
I think the word he is looking for is prediction, not prophecy. Normally I don't like to base major economic decisions on prophecy. "The chicken liver is clear and healthy. The gods are pleased and the temperature will only increase 0.2 degrees centigrade this year. Canadians, you may keep your beer fridges!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Believe that You Believe in GLOBAL WARMING? WHAT A HOAX.
If you believe the human race is causing the current climatic conditions whether warming or cooling, I bet you believe the world is flat. I bet you believe big government is great. I bet you believe the sun is getting cooler. I bet you believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I bet you expect to make a lot of money by expounding your dumb and blind and selfish beliefs on us poor 'uneducated and gullible' citizens.
I bet you think Congress is going to happily take our tax money and give it to some small dictatorships instead of wasting it through their own self centered governmental waste and to further their own aspirations.
Come on. THINK!

The world is not flat.
Big government is expensive and ineffective.
Yeah. The earth is only 6,000 years old but dinosaurs were here for 160,000,000 years or so. (one hundred sixty MILLION years).
As for you making big bucks from this hoax - maybe, maybe not. But the guarantee is that trying to stop global warming will be costly and expensive and will only damage successful economies.
Personally, I don't want to give dictators like Castro or Hussein,(deceased),Luiz Inacio LULA DA SILVA or Gloria MACAPAGAL-ARROYO or any U.N official my hard earned dollars so they can feed their faces at the expense of their own people who will never see a penny.
As for our government - they will only give away more of our tax dollars if it is to their personal benefit. Remember Food for Oil? The only beneficiaries were U.N. politicians' families and dictators.