Friday, January 04, 2008

The Brutal Honesty of Children

Niece: Uncle Brett, are you married?
Uncle Brett: No.
Niece: Why not?
Uncle Brett: I'm too young.
Niece: You're young? Are you still a student?
Uncle Brett: Yes, in fact I am.
Niece: But you have gray hair!
Uncle Brett: School does that.
Niece: If you have gray hair you cannot be young.
Uncle Brett: Thank You.
Niece: If you don't marry soon, you will be all gray and nobody will want to marry you.
Uncle Brett: Thank you again.
Niece: Are you really a student?
Uncle Brett: Do you know what a knuckle sandwich is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You couldn't be young forever. Stop dating older women and you will look younger. -K