Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Senator, Congressmen Please Heed the Call

Obama was in Missoula on Saturday. We were about 15 ft. away and were able to shake hands following the speech (notice how I framed him and the Montana flag together with my great photography skills). Love him or hate him, the man can speak. He had 8,000 of us eating out of the palm of his hand for the better part of an hour. Almost makes you believe in America again, especially when he discusses the chances of a black man with big ears running for president in Montana being not so high. Sadly, his race was noted at various events, as our resident White Supremists picketed the event in Butte and wrote graffiti on the local law offices of the Obama campaign.

Montana holds its Democratic primary on the June 3rd, the last in the nation along with South Dakota, meaning candidates (and spouses) are actually campaigning here. This week we saw Hillary, Bill, and Barack visit our fair state. No word on when Gravel is coming.


Anonymous said...

That's a great photo, but I don't see any flag at all... and that guy's bald head is very distracting.

Maybe cropping out the crowd to just leave Obama would look any better.

Remember, photoshopping a pic takes about 3 minutes but counts as 15 minutes for billable hours.

Bread said...

click on the photo and you will see the montana flag to the upper right.