Friday, December 02, 2005

On Nov. 11, Red A posted that the reading level of our blog was about a 4th grade level, according to the Gunning Fog Index. In acknowledgement of that fact, I posted what I though was an appropriate puzzle: a one-word crossword. To help our readers, I even posted down clues to ensure success. However, most I asked about it complained that it was only one word across, and, oh yeah, there's only five blanks but six letters. That's not a crossword, man.

Okay. Fair enough. But let's take a look at some of what our Taichung Crossword Kings had to say.

Honest(ly soused) Jim's answer. Click here to view video.

Mathematically-challenged Elizabeth's answer. Click here for her giggling.

Maybe PJ shoulda taken Jim's cue. Click here if you must.


Rye said...

Hilarious! Nice one JW!
How'd you work it out?
I see yer at the internet archive...

Kevlar said...

Great job J-hole