Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Tip for the Guys

I bought an iRobot Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner for my wife for Christmas. It works pretty well, but I just realized I should not have given it as a gift.

See, its cool because it does the vacuuming for you while you are doing other shit, like writing useless blog posts, checking fantasy football stats, playing facebook poker, or doing that internet research on the porn industry your boss keeps wanting updated.

But once your wife knows this, she assumes she just freed you up for other chores instead of sweet, quality computer/TV/book time.

I think it would be wiser to buy the robot, then when the wife leaves the house, let it run. When she returns, offhandedly mentioned you vacuumed the house - you will get major brownie points. I am not sure how to hide the robot though.

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