Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Green Fairy

Carrefour is now selling Absinthe. It's the made in Czech kind, which supposedly has the real deal wormwood. NT$ 1300 / bottle, but 70% alcohol. (I think you need to add water to absinthe anyways.)

I can imagine Ponce right now. Its Halloween. Ponce is in a frilly black Victorian suit, the kind an undertaker wears in a Western movie. His monocle is perfectly balanced as he fusses over absinthe at the smoky poker table.

"You see, just enough sugar on the spoon, and then the water. And could you please turn up the Morrissey? Thanks. Aces over Eights. Dead Man's Hand. I win."


Karl, none of these are quite right, but they also sell monocles.

1 comment:

Chaon said...

I wish like hell I had a frilly black Victorian suit, the kind an undertaker wears in a Western movie. And a monocle. Fuck yeah!

But if I had access to Absinthe, I can't imagine that I'd be speaking intelligibly- no matter what hand I held.