Saturday, March 22, 2008



  • My first attempt at sloganeering in Chinese came in response to the pathetic attempts by the pan-blues to recall President Chen Shui Bian. After much anger and little thought, they came up with 倒 扁 (ㄉㄠˇㄅㄧㄢˇ) - Topple (Ah) Bian. Add a down turned thumb and an upturned nose and you have the equivalent of a six-year old sticking out his tongue and calling you a poopy head. In classic four-character Chinese style, I came to their rescue with 壓 扁 阿扁 ( ㄧㄚ ㄅㄧㄢˇㄚ ㄅㄧㄢˇ) - Flatten Ah-Bian. This has the beauty of using his own name coupled with 壓 to mean flatten. It also might be an inside rhyme, but I would have to check with DJ Red A to be sure.

  • For the KMT I have a terse, polite response when confronted by all the flag waving, larynx-enhanced Hsieh supporters: 不 謝 !

  • For the soon-to-be-disappointed Hsieh followers, I have prepared this for after Ma is sworn in. This works better visually, but I'm practicing making it work well when spoken. 統. ( You have to look closely, but the second character has a strikethrough. Now do you get it?)

  • For neither of the above: 選 馬 , 不 謝 . Figure it out yourself.

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