Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This photo finds me and some friends hanging out on my porch drinking martinis. Harry Fritz is a professor emeritus at the U (History) and has written several books on Montana history. Helia is an immigrant, US citizen, and only Persian chick in Missoula.

Harry knew how to call turkeys, and thus the male gobbler in the center of the photo is fanning (for Harry, not the hen). Click on the photo and you'll notice the turkey's head has changed to red, indicating the beginning of the mating season (normally their heads are blue).


Anonymous said...

The only turkey in the photo would appear to be you.

Unless I am blind.

Or was that supposed to be a joke at your own expense?

Bread said...

what an original comment.

Anonymous said...

How do end up drinking martinis with a professor emeritis?
And to think I though you were a noble man, studying dilegently to achieve excellence, not through the plying retired profs with liquor. Is this what a "turkey hunt" translates as in Missoula?
