Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The bond

It's not everyday that you bond with about three hundred people at once. But, yes my friends. It has been done. It started off at about 8am Saturday morning. We all boarded the boat with bright smiles on our faces.....destination....Green Island. (Now before I get on with the story, I had been warned about this boat ride.)
Jamie and I got on the boat, and of course a window seat at the front of the boat was available. Great! Quickly, grab those two seats.
We did, the journey began........
With Taiwanese KTV music playing softly in the background. 20 minutes pass. It begins. Hwhaaaaallll! The boat erupts with laughter from my fellow passengers as an elderly woman lets the first roar of puke fly into the bag. I looked out the window to notice the waves were exceptionally large. 20-30 feet and the boat rolling up and down. My friend might not have been exaggerating at all. 5 more minutes pass. The sounds to follow were absolutely unbelievable. 10 seconds of Taiwanese music. Bwlaaahhhh! again.....bwlaahhhh! Arcgh! Splash! Hurl in the bag. Bwlaaahhhh! Cough! I'm not sure how to express the sounds of gurgling, puking and vomitting I heard, but I can tell you this continued until the end of the journey by most passengers on board. As time went on, the waft of Barf finally got to me. I looked at my darling girlfriend, pulled out my plastic bag and let it fly.
But on this memorable day, as I got off the boat, and looked my fellow passengers in the eye. I knew we had experienced something meaningful together, a common trait, a common bond. We were bonded by barf.


P.I.M.P said...

It's not often I am seasick. This was an exception. I didn't get sick on the way back, but I can tell you, if you go......it's a boat ride from hell. Sit in the back!

Jason said...

Ah yes... memories of an ill-fated boat to Orchid Island a few years ago return. Everyone on-board decided to fill up on Doujiang for breakfast before setting sail. It looked the exact same coming back up (and I know this because for some reason all the puke bags onboard were transparent and in some cases tragically thin. Thank god for Dramamine!