Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Bob Geldof's call rallies millions of GED aspirants to invade Africa. At least that is the message I got. While watching one of the approved channels - History Channel, ESPN2/FOX SOUTHWEST, and CMT, I was bushwhacked with a Live 8 report. Now, I had been desperately trying to avoid any coverage of that. I'd already had more than my fill of pre-concert pablum from the musical mentalistas. However, at the end of a Toby Keith song, CMT cut to the finale and a short sermon from Sir Bob. The screen was filled with rockers musical-type people of all sorts climbing over each other to shout the lyrics to "Hey, Jude." Then the Knight Rattus told us of the day's efforts to eliminate poverty. The next shot showed the aftermath of the 9 concerts. The butt-crack flaunting young concert goers displayed a political acumen that will make aging 60's hippies think twice before ever uttering "Woodstock, man!" ever again. With the mountains of garbage they created they will immediately enfranchise thousands of clean-up crew workers to the middle class. However, the money spent by governments on the clean up will probably kill Mauritania.

I was relieved to hear that they didn't want my money (yet). They wanted my voice. Voice to do what? Wait for the G8 and then ask for money? No. They don't want money. Sir Bob would not lie and break the knights code. I think Bob wants my voice to tell the European nations to stop giving money to the governments and start channeling it to NGOs and private businesses. So, I can only surmise that he is calling for a full scale invasion of the impoverished nations and set up a sub-Saharan chain of Wal-Marts.

July 4th. I need first-hand accounts and toxicity reports for yall's July 4th celebration. Please include chili cook-off results. I, myself, am now off to enjoy the festivities of the Hub City.

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